The Money Dom

Seduce Success, Dominate Your Dollars

Step into The Money Dom and discover a world where wealth bends to your will, every financial move becomes a dance of domination, and your desires dictate the flow of abundance.


Imagine a domain where money doesn’t simply serve you; it’s enamored by you. Where you don’t chase wealth, it chases you, captivated by your command.

Here, you don’t negotiate with your finances; you dominate them, with a tantalizing blend of precision and playfulness.

Forget everything you know about finance. In The Money Dom, the rules are rewritten in your favor. Where money submits to your every desire. And financial abundance is not just possible, but inevitable, effortless, and deeply satisfying.

The Money Dom isn't just a course,  is an invitation.  An awakening to the playful, powerful, and positively seductive side of money. It’s a siren call to those brave enough to claim their financial dominion. Here, you will discover the thrill of controlling your wealth narrative, of turning each financial interaction into a game of delightful dominance.

Imagine the version of you...

Who Commands Wealth With  Ease and Confidence 

  • Break free from conventional, restrictive views of money. Embrace a role where you command your finances with a blend of intelligence, strategy, and an irresistible touch.
  • Discover the secrets to not just attracting wealth but creating a magnetic field around you that continually draws in financial abundance.
  • Learn to extend your influence, weaving a web of wealth that expands beyond the personal. Envision creating an empire where your financial touch turns everything to gold.
  • Embrace a world where every financial choice adds to your allure, crafting a reality where ease, pleasure, and wealth are intertwined in the most exquisite way.

Step into a reality where every dollar signs a contract of absolute devotion to you. Prepare to turn your financial interactions into a seductive display of power and success.



The Money Dom 

Submit to your desires and command your cash like never before. Join us and master the art of money domination—where your wealth obeys every command.

Client Love

I found myself guided by Michelle into deep work on beliefs and patterns around money, but done in a playful and fun way that made me look forward to every session.

I’m feeling a stronger capacity to hold wealth and more belief in my ability to generate and receive it. I saw a material uplift in performance on my investments during and after the course.

I recommend working with Michelle for anyone looking to level up their relationship with abundance and bring more sexy, rich, fun behavior into their life.

-Kevin Delie

Here’s What’s Included In The Course

  • A 90 day journey with Michelle Pound 
  • 3 Live trainings per month
  • Pre recorded meditations and visualizations
  • Journal Prompts and Embodiment work to help you lock in the teachings and become the ultimate Money Dom
  • Special Guest Teachers
  • Private Telegram chat 
  • Live Q&A with Michelle

Take A Deeper Look into Your Transformation

Month One

The Art of Financial Seduction

Dive into the foundational aspects of financial domination. We’ll explore the psychology of money, the power of intention, and the art of attracting wealth. Begin to understand the energetics of money and how to tap into this power source for effortless attraction.

Month Two

Commanding The Currency

In month two, you’ll truly embody your new financial mastery. This is the phase where you confidently take control, making your money not just follow, but obediently respond to your every command. We'll focus on practical applications and real-world exercises that enable you to integrate and harness the skills you've learned, ensuring you wield your financial power with both grace and authority. In month two, you’ll truly embody your new financial mastery

Month Three

The Art of Opulent Living

In month three, you'll step fully into the luxurious lifestyle you've envisioned and activated. This phase teaches you how to effortlessly maintain and expand your wealth, making financial growth feel as instinctive as breathing and as enjoyable as an intimate secret shared. Learn the secrets to a sustainable, opulent life where your prosperity continues to flourish.

Meet Michelle

Welcome to my realm, where the thrilling dynamics of money await. Envision your finances not merely as a resource, but as a submissive lover, eager to fulfill your desires and accompany you on your journey to greatness. Together, we will master the art of seducing wealth, turning it into a source of pleasure and a faithfully in realizing your dreams.

In this adventure, we'll tease and entice the concept of money as an intimate partner, unlocking the secrets to a relationship brimming with abundance and delight. Prepare to dominate your riches and make your wealth passionately submit to you.

Meet The Guest Experts

Seasoned dominants of their fields, ready to share their commanding secrets with you.

The Money Dom is Definitely For You If:

  • You crave a relationship with money that is fun and exhilarating.
  • You envision a world where wealth feels easy, seductive, and effortless.
  • You're ready to relinquish the stress and anxiety that have dominated your financial life.
  • You're eager for a new era where your finances are no longer mere tools, but a submissive, pleasurable partner that fulfills your every desire.

Join The Money Dom and Indulge in the Ultimate Financial Pleasures.

One time payment $2222

How Does This Sound?

You’ve learned to seduce your finances, turning every economic encounter into an irresistible dance of domination. Here, money doesn't just follow; it rushes to please you, eager for your command.

You’ve cultivated a lush, intimate relationship with your wealth, where it doesn’t just serve you—it adores you. Experience the luxury of money as a passionate partner, constantly whispering secrets of abundance and pleasure.

You now embody the supreme confidence of a financial dominatrix, with every dollar at your beck and call. You can feel the intoxicating power as your every financial desire is met with eager compliance.

Prepare for a transformation that will thrill and exhilarate every aspect of your financial life. Your wallet and your soul are craving this powerful metamorphosis.


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